Friday, May 4, 2018

Today's Views From My Wheelchair

I may have to rename my blog. LOL

I've been trying to figure out how to use a site called iNaturalist.  It allows you to enter your nature observations, and helps you make identifications. All observations have the potential to become research data. It's not the most user-friendly site but I'm not giving up. If you want to follow my observations, my username is Dreamweaver.

The local retired florist turned his front yard into a flower garden. When we scootered by today, it was a carpet of blue and white (flowers yet to be identified) playing host to a plethora of bees. Unfortunately they did not show up on the video. 

Found this one sunning itself along the Luce Line River Trail. It's a Garter Snake. It's non-venomous.

I'm trying to identify this tree. Can anyone help?
